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The 7 best images that convert followers into paying clients

Your free guide to making more sales on social media


Presented by Sherrie Higgins
Founder & CEO at Shots by Sherrie 

I'm Sherrie and I've been taking photos professionally for nearly a decade. So I know a thing or two about what works and what doesn't when it comes to brand imagery. Let me share with you the secrets to taking business photos that grab the attention of your ideal client and eventually turn into sales.

Here's what you'll get 

Beach Chairs

I want to learn what images will attract more customers.

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • LinkedIn

Do I need a professional camera to use this guide?

Spoiler: One or two of the images I list urge you to use a professional, high quality camera (or photographer) because if we are talking about increasing sales, some elements of your digital presence should be coming across as professional. However, the majority of the info included in this guide applies to content you can (and in some cases should) take on your phone. 

How do I know this will be useful for my business?

Like it or not, the world we live in is an increasingly visual one. This means that if you don't keep up with what images your customers are responding to, you'll see it reflected in your sales. 
In the modern content creator economy, it's not just useful to have this knowledge, it's essential.

I'm already overwhelmed trying to come up with content.

This guide will actually help reduce overwhelm! 

Imagine sitting trying to think of what your going to post for the next week. Then you remember you have this free guide that essentially acts as your template for your next 7 posts! 
No more grasping at straws or throwing spaghetti at the wall and seeing what sticks. 
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